Mongolian women established the first women's organization in Asia.

In the history of Mongolia, the National Liberation Revolution of 1911, which ended the 200-year rule of the Manchu dynasty, re-established the Mongolian state, and started the renaissance of the Mongolian people, is a special page in the history of the Mongolian people with an ancient tradition of statehood, and a historical event that future generations will remember with pride happened.

 Active members of women's organizations gathered from all corners of Mongolia to defend their rights on International Rights Day. Late 1920 
This national liberation revolution was the fulfillment of two hundred years of indomitable desire and persistent struggle of the Mongolian people to rebuild their independent country, and the beginning of the great national revival became the real foundation of the People's Revolution of 1921. Since then, the main goals of strengthening Mongolia's independence, gaining international recognition, and establishing relations with foreign countries have been implemented.

Political and social changes in Mongolia have allowed Mongolian women to have the same rights and social status as men.

                           Women of the City, 1921


Before 1921, it was impossible to talk about women's participation in society. In the old society, a woman became a prince's wife without any love relationship and was given to someone by her parents, but after the new society, they had the freedom to express their personal opinions, learn and choose their husbands independently of anyone, so they got rid of all the heavy clothes and accessories. The fashion of dressing like Russian and European women and cutting their hair started to spread.

Women workers at the head of a garment factory. 1930


With the victory of the People's Revolution, women began to join the party in large numbers. In 1922, a woman named Pagmadulam, who had a high education in Germany and spoke 5 languages, founded the Women's Group under the Central Committee of the Party.

            Damdin's Pagmadulam


Since then, the women's organization has expanded into an official women's propaganda and education department, and eventually into an independent women's association. It is noted in history as the first women's organization in Asia. 

                  City Woman, 1930


In 1920, the first women's literacy club was established in 1920, and in 1931, 2000 women were literate. In 1963, 90% of women became literate. Also, at the 1st Mongolian Women's Congress held in July 1931, the women representatives from the countryside were poorly dressed and poor, so the state clothed them, sewed them all the same green robes, and provided them with leather shoes. After the training, good students and interested women were transferred to nurse and teacher training courses.


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